Welcome to holidaygirl1225's game secrets, glitches, and theories blog! Happy Holidays

14 comments (locked)

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User smartgenius5554738292

Another epic post holidaygirl1225. Can I be mod? This blog definately needs more posts, and possibly better ones.

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User smartgenius5554738292

Whoever is prank calling my phone needs to STOP.

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User holidaygirl1225

Umm... maybe you shouldn't put your phone number in your username? XD

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User smartgeniusnewadmin

An excellent idea my fellow mod, and I made an account just for being full admin to be more secure (It would be better than mod anyway). Please give me privelidges.

By the way, prankers. Once I become admin you will be hit not with the ban hammer, but the BANBERD, a halberd for BANNING people... savor your last moments now.

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User smartgeniusnewadmin

How are they still calling me???

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User holidaygirl1225

Sorry my computer is bugged, lol.... um... looks like the admin panel isn't working lol... I can't give you privileges... Sorry you won't be able to be mod or admin.

It's nice having you comment though :3

As for the phone calls...

Umm XD Your old posts are up there with the phone number still.

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User smartgeniusnewadmin

Are you saying I should delete my posts?

I may worship you as a mod,

but that's too far even for me.

As for your computer, worry not, I can fix it.

I have my way with computers... calculators want to kiss me. Laptops love me. With a flick of my wing, your computer will sing.

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User smartgeniusnewadmin

Sorry for the lack of posting. I accidentally deleted Minecrap and it took all day to figure out how to get it to work again.

Fortunately the prank caller helped me get it back and now we are playing together.

If anyone else wants to play I'm putting the details of our server below:


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User holidaygirl1225

Aww, that's.... cute? XD

I think I need to lock this thread as it contains personal information. Thanks everyone for your interest.

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Soccer Ball
User sports

does Dragon Blazers have sports ?

i never played it

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User holidaygirl1225

OMG sports!!!! XD hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! lollll!!!!!!!!!!!! You should play it!!!!!

Soccer Ball
User sports

can there be a soccer Ball in the game

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User holidaygirl1225

Um, no? XD

Soccer Ball
User sports

thanks I Learned a Lot

i do Not think i will use this Website any more